DessertsCategoriesAll CategoriesAppetizersBeveragesBreadsBreakfastBurgersCakesChickenCookies DessertsMeatsPastaPieSalad DressingsSaladsSandwichesSaucesSeafoodSidesSoupsVegetablesNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Kahlua TrifleBy Planet DeposItalian Wedding CakesBy Planet DeposItalian Sponge CakeBy Planet DeposIce Cream CakeBy Planet DeposFrozen Lemonade PieBy Planet DeposFrozen Blueberry SoufflesBy Planet DeposDouble Chocolate Peanut Butter BarsBy Planet DeposFried DoughBy Planet DeposA recipe with no specifics as to how much flour, but we used to make these every Christmas and sprinkle with LOTS of powdered sugarCrumbled Pumkin PieBy Planet Depos 1 … 3 4 5 6 7
Fried DoughBy Planet DeposA recipe with no specifics as to how much flour, but we used to make these every Christmas and sprinkle with LOTS of powdered sugar